How can some Masons believe Masonry is a Christian organization, while others understand its darker goals? The key to this confusion lies in the concept of the “inner” and the “outer” doctrine. Masonry, like other secret societies, is set up with an “outer” doctrine for consumption by the general public, and an “inner” secretive doctrine known only to an elect few. (William T. Still NEW WORLD ORDER: THE ANCIENT PLAN OF SECRET SOCIETIES: 28)
Pike also explained that Masonry must deceive its member in the first three degrees, the “Blue Degrees.”
The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explanation is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry. (William T. Still NEW WORLD ORDER: THE ANCIENT PLAN OF SECRET SOCIETIES: 29-30)
The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explanation is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry. (William T. Still NEW WORLD ORDER: THE ANCIENT PLAN OF SECRET SOCIETIES: 29-30)
Beberapa kali saya surfing dari satu blog ke blog lainnya yang membahas masalah Freemasonry, selalu saja timbul perdebatan sengit ketika harus membicarakan masalah lambang, simbol, dan sejenisnya. Padahal secret societies tidak cuma Freemasonry saja. Dalam Freemasonry yang paling rumit juga sebenarnya bukan masalah lambangnya, karena sudah terlalu banyak dokumentasi baik dari kalangan Freemason sendiri maupun non-Freemason, tinggal mau baca atau tidak, itu saja masalah sebenarnya.
Masalah lambang, simbol, tanda, dan sejenisnya memang rumit. Di Indonesia ini terlalu banyak orang yang komentar tanpa menyadari esensi ucapannya. Dalam masalah lambang, ada yang mentang-mentang dia seorang desainer grafis lalu komentarnya seolah paling valid kalau berbicara masalah lambang. Padahal tau apa dia masalah Freemasonry dan Secret Societies lainnya? Maaf, bukan bermaksud meremehkan, tapi saya paling tidak suka dengan komentar sok-sokan tanpa tujuan dan dasar yang jelas. Karena beberapa kali blog saya diiklankan oleh seorang yang memakai nickname anonymous (tikus tak dikenal, hahahaha) pada debat sengit masalah lambang, sehingga beberapa email yang datang mengkritik saya karena di blog belum ada tulisan mengenai lambang/simbol, padahal beberapa diantara mereka mengira saya pakar lambang yang hebat (terimakasih atas doanya, tapi saya belum sehebat itu, masih kalah sama Robert Langdon, haha…)
Beberapa blog Indonesia yang menjadi ajang perdebatan sengit yang berkaitan dengan masalah lambang/simbol karena, misalnya menyinggung Indosat, TransTV, atau PKS, diantaranya: (mohon maaf jika ada kekurang-akuratan penulisan alamat web yang dimaksud)
8. b2aca09b99f57b53ba47e5b33efc688e
8. b2aca09b99f57b53ba47e5b33efc688e
Sebenarnya apa yang coba dilakukan blogger-blogger yang masuk daftar tadi tidak bisa dikategorikan sebagai fitnah, karena apa yang mereka lakukan hanya (dalam pandangan saya) diniati untuk membuka mata anak bangsa yang masih tenang-tenang saja – tidak melihat bahwa di Amerika misalnya, warganya sedang kebingungan untuk berimigrasi ke utara (daerah Canada), karena sudah tidak kondusif lagi untuk dijadikan tempat tinggal – terhadap konspirasi yang semakin hari semakin menjerat kehidupan ini saja. Banyak juga komentator lucu yang menyatakan artikel-artikel tersebut kurang kerjaan, sampah, tapi kok ya masih sempat-sempatnya ninggalin komentar ya. Ada-ada aja… Ono ono wae… Sampah kok dikomentari…
Kali ini jangan berharap akan menemukan apa makna square & compass bagi Freemasonry atau sejenisnya, ini adalah introduction. Sebelum beranjak lebih jauh mari kita kaji dulu apa beberapa aspek mengenai simbol atau lambang itu sendiri. Mari kita lihat beberapa pandangan mengenai simbol atau simbolisme dari beberapa sumber: (Maaf kebanyakan dalam bahasa Inggris, saya malas menerjemahkannya)
1. Symbol. A symbol is defined to be a visible sign with which a spiritual feeling, emotion, or idea is connected. It was in this sense that the early Christians gave the name of symbols to all rites, ceremonies, and outward forms which bore a religious meaning; such, for instance, as the cross, and other pictures and images, and even the sacraments and the sacramental elements. At a still earlier period, the Egyptians communicated the knowledge of their esoteric philosophy in mystic symbols.
In fact, man’s earliest instruction was by means of symbols. “The first learning of the world,” says Stukely, “consisted chiefly of symbols. The wisdom of the Chaldeans, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Jews, of Zoroaster, Sanchoniathon, Pherecydes, Syrus, Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, of all the ancients that is come to our hand, is symbolic.” And the learned Faber remarks that “allegory and personification were peculiarly agreeable to the genius of antiquity, and the simplicity of truth was continually sacrificed at the shrine of poetical decoration.”
The word “symbol” is derived from a Greek verb which signifies “to compare one thing with another;” and hence a symbol or emblem, for the two words are often used synonymously in Masonry, is the expression of an idea which is derived from the comparison or contrast of some object with a moral conception or attribute. Thus the plumb is a symbol of rectitude; the level, of equality; the beehive, of industry. The physical qualities of the plumb are compared or contrasted with the moral conception of virtue or rectitude of conduct.
The plumb becomes to the Mason, after he has once been taught its symbolic meaning, forever afterwards the visible expression of the idea of rectitude, or uprightness of conduct. To study and compare these visible objects—to elicit from them the moral ideas which they are intended to express—is to make one’s self acquainted with the symbolism of Masonry.
The objective character of a symbol, which presents something material to the sight and touch, as explanatory of an internal idea, is best calculated to be grasped by the infant mind, whether the infancy of that mind be considered nationally or individually.
And hence, in the first ages of the world, in its infancy, all propositions, theological, political, or scientific, were expressed in the form of symbols. Thus the first religions were eminently symbolical, because, as that great philosophical historian, Grote, has remarked, “At a time when language was yet in its infancy, visible symbols were the most vivid means of acting upon the minds of ignorant hearers.”
To the man of mature intellect, each letter of the alphabet is the symbol of a certain sound. When we instruct the child in the form and value of these letters, we make the picture of some familiar object the representation of the letter which aids the infantile memory. Thus, when the teacher says, “A was an Archer,” the Archer becomes a symbol of the letter A, just as in after-life the letter becomes the symbol of a sound.
“Symbolical representations of things sacred,” says Dr. Barlow, (Essays on Symbolism, I., p. 1,) “were coeval with religion itself as a system of doctrine appealing to sense, and have accompanied its transmission to ourselves from the earliest known period of monumental history.
“Egyptian tombs and stiles exhibit religious symbols still in use among Christians. Similar forms, with corresponding meanings, though under different names, are found among the Indians, and are seen on the monuments of the Assyrians, the Etruscans, and the Greeks.
“The Hebrews borrowed much of their early religious symbolism from the Egyptians, their later from the Babylonians, and through them this symbolical imagery, both verbal and objective, has descended to ourselves.
“The Egyptian priests were great proficients in symbolism, and so were the Chaldeans, and so were Moses and the Prophets, and the Jewish doctors generally, — and so were of the early fathers of the Church, especially the Greek fathers.
“Philo of Alexandria was very learned in symbolism, and the Evangelist St. John has made much use of it.
“The early Christian architects, sculptors, and painters drank deep of symbolical lore, and reproduced it in their works.”
Squier gives in his Serpent Symbolism in America (p. 19) a similar view of the antiquity and the subsequent growth of the use of symbols. He says: “In the absence of a written language or forms of expression capable of conveying abstract ideas, we can readily comprehend the necessity, among a primitive people, of a symbolic system. That symbolism in a great degree resulted from this necessity is very obvious; and that, associated with man’s primitive religious systems, it was afterwards continued, when in the advanced stage of the human mind the previous necessity no longer existed, is equally undoubted. It thus came to constitute a kind of sacred language, and became invested with an esoteric significance understood only by the few.”
In Freemasonry, all the instructions in its mysteries are communicated in the form of symbols. Founded, as a speculative science, on an operative art, it has taken the working-tools of the profession which it spiritualizes, the terms of architecture, the Temple of Solomon, and everything that is connected with its traditional history, and adopting them as symbols, it teaches its great moral and philosophical lessons by this system of symbolism. But its symbols are not confined to material objects as were the hieroglyphics of the Egyptians. Its myths and legends are also, for the most part, symbolic. Often a legend, unauthenticated by history, distorted by anachronisms, and possibly absurd in its pretensions if viewed historically or as a narrative of actual occurrences, when interpreted as a symbol, is found to impress the mind with some great spiritual and philosophical truth. The legends of Masonry are parables, and a parable is only a spoken symbol. By its utterance, says Adam Clarke, “spiritual things are better understood, and make a deeper impression on the attentive mind.” (Albert G. Mackey, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FREEMASONRY: 780-781)
In fact, man’s earliest instruction was by means of symbols. “The first learning of the world,” says Stukely, “consisted chiefly of symbols. The wisdom of the Chaldeans, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Jews, of Zoroaster, Sanchoniathon, Pherecydes, Syrus, Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, of all the ancients that is come to our hand, is symbolic.” And the learned Faber remarks that “allegory and personification were peculiarly agreeable to the genius of antiquity, and the simplicity of truth was continually sacrificed at the shrine of poetical decoration.”
The word “symbol” is derived from a Greek verb which signifies “to compare one thing with another;” and hence a symbol or emblem, for the two words are often used synonymously in Masonry, is the expression of an idea which is derived from the comparison or contrast of some object with a moral conception or attribute. Thus the plumb is a symbol of rectitude; the level, of equality; the beehive, of industry. The physical qualities of the plumb are compared or contrasted with the moral conception of virtue or rectitude of conduct.
The plumb becomes to the Mason, after he has once been taught its symbolic meaning, forever afterwards the visible expression of the idea of rectitude, or uprightness of conduct. To study and compare these visible objects—to elicit from them the moral ideas which they are intended to express—is to make one’s self acquainted with the symbolism of Masonry.
The objective character of a symbol, which presents something material to the sight and touch, as explanatory of an internal idea, is best calculated to be grasped by the infant mind, whether the infancy of that mind be considered nationally or individually.
And hence, in the first ages of the world, in its infancy, all propositions, theological, political, or scientific, were expressed in the form of symbols. Thus the first religions were eminently symbolical, because, as that great philosophical historian, Grote, has remarked, “At a time when language was yet in its infancy, visible symbols were the most vivid means of acting upon the minds of ignorant hearers.”
To the man of mature intellect, each letter of the alphabet is the symbol of a certain sound. When we instruct the child in the form and value of these letters, we make the picture of some familiar object the representation of the letter which aids the infantile memory. Thus, when the teacher says, “A was an Archer,” the Archer becomes a symbol of the letter A, just as in after-life the letter becomes the symbol of a sound.
“Symbolical representations of things sacred,” says Dr. Barlow, (Essays on Symbolism, I., p. 1,) “were coeval with religion itself as a system of doctrine appealing to sense, and have accompanied its transmission to ourselves from the earliest known period of monumental history.
“Egyptian tombs and stiles exhibit religious symbols still in use among Christians. Similar forms, with corresponding meanings, though under different names, are found among the Indians, and are seen on the monuments of the Assyrians, the Etruscans, and the Greeks.
“The Hebrews borrowed much of their early religious symbolism from the Egyptians, their later from the Babylonians, and through them this symbolical imagery, both verbal and objective, has descended to ourselves.
“The Egyptian priests were great proficients in symbolism, and so were the Chaldeans, and so were Moses and the Prophets, and the Jewish doctors generally, — and so were of the early fathers of the Church, especially the Greek fathers.
“Philo of Alexandria was very learned in symbolism, and the Evangelist St. John has made much use of it.
“The early Christian architects, sculptors, and painters drank deep of symbolical lore, and reproduced it in their works.”
Squier gives in his Serpent Symbolism in America (p. 19) a similar view of the antiquity and the subsequent growth of the use of symbols. He says: “In the absence of a written language or forms of expression capable of conveying abstract ideas, we can readily comprehend the necessity, among a primitive people, of a symbolic system. That symbolism in a great degree resulted from this necessity is very obvious; and that, associated with man’s primitive religious systems, it was afterwards continued, when in the advanced stage of the human mind the previous necessity no longer existed, is equally undoubted. It thus came to constitute a kind of sacred language, and became invested with an esoteric significance understood only by the few.”
In Freemasonry, all the instructions in its mysteries are communicated in the form of symbols. Founded, as a speculative science, on an operative art, it has taken the working-tools of the profession which it spiritualizes, the terms of architecture, the Temple of Solomon, and everything that is connected with its traditional history, and adopting them as symbols, it teaches its great moral and philosophical lessons by this system of symbolism. But its symbols are not confined to material objects as were the hieroglyphics of the Egyptians. Its myths and legends are also, for the most part, symbolic. Often a legend, unauthenticated by history, distorted by anachronisms, and possibly absurd in its pretensions if viewed historically or as a narrative of actual occurrences, when interpreted as a symbol, is found to impress the mind with some great spiritual and philosophical truth. The legends of Masonry are parables, and a parable is only a spoken symbol. By its utterance, says Adam Clarke, “spiritual things are better understood, and make a deeper impression on the attentive mind.” (Albert G. Mackey, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FREEMASONRY: 780-781)
2. Symbolism, the Science of. The science which is engaged in the investigation of the meaning of symbols, and the application of their interpretation to moral, religious, and philosophical instruction.
In this sense, Freemasonry is essentially a science of symbolism. The English lectures define Freemasonry to be “a science of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.” The definition would be more correct were it in these words: Freemasonry is a system of morality developed and inculcated by the science of symbolism. (Albert G. Mackey, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FREEMASONRY: 783)
In this sense, Freemasonry is essentially a science of symbolism. The English lectures define Freemasonry to be “a science of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.” The definition would be more correct were it in these words: Freemasonry is a system of morality developed and inculcated by the science of symbolism. (Albert G. Mackey, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FREEMASONRY: 783)
3. The Freemason has no way of reaching any of the esoteric teachings of the Order except through the medium of a legend or a symbol. (Albert G. Mackey SYMBOLISM OF FREEMASONRY: 3)
4. No science is more ancient than that of symbolism. (Albert G. Mackey, SYMBOLISM OF FREEMASONRY: 4)
5. They’re everywhere. Cleverly disguised. On TV, embedded in magazines, and lurking in powerful advertising. Sometimes they’re subtle or subliminal, other times direct, provocative, and mind-bending in effect. Strange symbols, signs, charms, talismans, and handshakes that program and control our minds. (Texe Marrs, CODEX MAGICA: 9)
6. “By symbols,” wrote Thomas Carlyle in Sartor Resartus, “is man guided and commanded, made happy made wretched. He everywhere finds himself surrounded with symbols, recognized as such or not recognized.” (Thomas Carlyle, SARTOR RESARTUS, quoted by Piers Compton, THE BROKEN CROSS: THE HIDDEN HAND IN THE VATICAN: 11 dalam Texe Marrs, CODEX MAGICA: 18)
7. A symbol veils or hides a secret, and it is that which veils mysterious forces. These energies when released can have a potent effect. (Foster Bailey, THE SPIRIT OF FREEMASONRY dalam Texe Marrs, CODEX MAGICA: 19)
8. Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism, and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it. (Albert Pike, MORALS AND DOGMA OF THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE OF FREEMASONRY dalam Texe Marrs, CODEX MAGICA: 20)
9. There is a SECRET DOCTRINE in Freemasonry! That secret doctrine is concealed, rather than revealed by the very lectures which, we (Masons) are told, offer a rational explanation of the ceremonies of initiation.” (George Steinmetz, FREEMASONRY: ITS HIDDEN MEANING: 43-44 dalam Texe Marrs, CODEX MAGICA: 21)
10. What is most worth knowing in Masonry is never very openly taught. The symbols are displayed, but they are mute. It is by hints only… that the initiate is put upon the track of the hidden secret.” (Albert Pike, quoted by J.D. Buck, THE LOST WORD FOUND IN THE GREAT WORK: 14-15; and see Cathy Burns, HIDDEN SECRETS OF THE EASTERN STAR: 136-137 dalam Texe Marrs, CODEX MAGICA: 21)
11. The true wisdom is concealed and hidden, not only from those who do not join the Masonic Order but also from those who “take” the degrees; and it will remain hidden until each Mason seeks revelation and finds the Truth for himself. There are no interpretations in the Ritual; they have to be sought elsewhere.” (Lynn F. Perkins, quoted by Cathy Burns, op.cit., p. 17 dalam Texe Marrs, CODEX MAGICA: 21-22)
12. Symbols are very important in Masonry. Masons reveal the true meaning of their philosophy to their members through allegory. A Mason, who advances stage by stage through the 33 degrees of the Masonic hierarchy, learns new meanings for each symbol at every stage. In this way, members descend step by step into the depths of Masonic philosophy. (Harun Yahya, GLOBAL FREEMASONRY: 85)
13. Wahai Goyim pakailah dan tirulah lambang-lambang dan kata-kataku sehingga engkau seperti keluargaku, walaupun engkau bukan keluargaku dan engkau tetap buta dalam menggunakan lambangku. (Pesan Kasisah Yahudi, A.D. El Marzdedeq, JARINGAN GELAP FREEMASONRY: halamannya lupa, buku sedang dipinjem temen)
See? Begitu esensialnya masalah lambang sehingga jangan pernah seenaknya sendiri mengatakan “ah, itu cuma kebetulan mirip”, “ah itu cuma karya seni”, “ah itu kan selera yang bikin, ngga ada hubungannya sama Freemasonry”, dan sejenisnya. Ada juga komentar, “jangan sangkut pautkan urusan simbol sama agama”, bagi saya ini lebih dangkal dan sekuler lagi. Why? Coba aja bagi anda yang masih sedikit waras, kalau berani nginjek-injek kayu berbentuk tanda + dengan garis yang arahnya kebawah sedikit lebih panjang daripada yang arah keatas, pada hari Minggu di halaman sebuah Gereja. Kalau anda dihajar apa anda mau jawab, “itu kan cuma kayu?”
Sementara itu dulu, saya masih ada urusan duniawi yang jika saya telantarkan berarti saya sudah menelantarkan urusan akhirat saya pula. Sebelum menutup, saya ingin berikan beberapa contoh betapa masalah simbol tidak bisa dianggap main-main:
1. Pada rezim pemerintahan Orde Baru, saya masih menjadi anak Punk idealis, dan mengalami sendiri pernah diciduk aparat lalu kaos saya yang bergambar palu-arit. Di truk aparat (entah Brimob atau apa), saya dimaki-maki, dipukuli, dan kaos saya dilepas paksa, lalu diludahi dan dirobek-robek. Setelah itu, untungnya, saya langsung dilepas begitu saja setelah dikasih kaos putih polos oleh seorang Polisi senior yang saya sudah lupa namanya. Apa iya saya harus ngamuk-ngamuk mengatakan saya bukan Komunis melainkan anak Punk Anarkhis yang anti Komunis?
2. Seorang teman muslim dari kalangan Black Metal, yang secara musical maupun ideologis musuh saya dalam Punk, kebetulan selesai latihan band langsung sholat maghrib mengenakan kaos hitam dengan gambar salib terbalik berduri salah satu logo grup band Black Metal luar negeri. Habis sholat jama’ah dia ditanyain agamanya apa? Kalo Islam kok ada gambar salib di kaosnya, terus kalo Kristen kok ikut sholat. Apa iya dia harus mencak-mencak lalu tunjukin KTP yang ada tulisannya Islam?
3. Mr Joe eks diplomat RI memberitahu saya satu info sewaktu saya tinggal dirumahnya bulan-bulan Juli-Agustus kemarin, bahwa ada satu kasus di sebuah kantor di Amerika, seorang wanita Kristen dilaporkan oleh rekan-rekan kantornya yang Yahudi karena wanita tersebut mengenakan kalung berliontin salib. Apa masalahnya? Karena salib menimbulkan perasaan tidak nyaman bagi oknum Yahudi di kantor tersebut, entah di kantor lain dan di komunitas lain.
Anda yang memahami bahasa Indonesia tentunya tak akan kesulitan menemukan inti artikel ini, yaitu tidak main-mainnya studi simbol dan lambang, sehingga mungkin suatu saat nanti ada pelajaran simbologi dalam kurikulum pendidikan Indonesia, dan pada akhirnya tidak ada lagi manusia Indonesia yang cuap-cuap sembarangan mengenai masalah simbol dan lambang. Amien yaa robbal alamiin. Pada kesempatan lain saya InsyaAlloh ingin membahas simbol-simbol Freemasonry secara bertahap karena begitu banyaknya simbol Freemasonry itu. Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat sebagai sebuah awal untuk menyikapi masalah simbol dengan bijak dan berdasar kedepannya nanti.
Sebagai penutup, mari kita simak peringatan oleh Freemason dalam salah satu film yang saya yakin merupakan bikinan mereka, yang kental banget penggunaan simbol-simbol masoniknya dan insyaAlloh akan saya bahas dalam artikel berikutnya nanti: “We live among its people now, hiding in plain sight, but watching over them in secret, waiting… Protecting…” “… We are here… We are waiting…” [Optimus Prime dalam THE TRANSFORMERS the movie.]
Wallohu a’lam bisshowab.
Referensi pilihan:
Terimakasih untuk Miss Nadya, atas diskusi masalah simbologi-nya yang hebat. Saya disini cuma mencantumkan beberapa referensi untuk satu artikel, sedangkan anda menggunakan beberapa referensi untuk satu paragraf dalam diskusi kita itu. Semoga ilmu yang anda tularkan pada saya menjadi ilmu yang bermanfaat untuk anda, amiin.
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