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Oktober 30, 2011

Example of lesson Plan


Department                                : English
Study Program                           : English Education
Name of subject                         : Language Testing
Subject Code                             : BM422301  (3 SKS)
Semester                                     : V
Persons in Charge                      : Prof. Dr. Baso Jabu, M.Hum.

1.      Objective and Significance of the Subject
a.   Objective:
This course aims at equipping students with theoretical knowledge of the principles and forms of language tests. Besides, it is intended to train and give practical experience to students to construct and evaluate language tests.
b.   Significance:
This course is expected to be useful for providing theoretical and practical knowledge and experience to students to measure and evaluate teaching and learning achievement in a variety of forms, types, and purposes of tests based on language test construction criteria.

2.      Course Description

3.      The Scheme among the Course Topics
The relation among the course topics can be described in the following figure:
Language teaching & testing
Test scoring & interpretation
Tests of language elements & skills
Test construction
Approaches, & problems in LT
Purposes, types, &
Criteria of LT
Syllabus & tests
Subjective vs. objective tests
Test evaluation

4.      Specific Instructional Objectives
After attending this course the students are expected to have competence and skills as follows:
-          To identify the relation between language teaching and language testing;
-          To identify the approaches generally used in constructing language tests;
-          To identify the problems that may occur in language testing in practice;
-          To identify types and purposes of language tests;
-          To identify the good language test criteria;
-          To evaluate the relation between learning objectives and tests;
-          To differentiate objective and subjective tests;
-          To construct language tests in the forms of discrete point and integrated skills;
-          To construct tests of language components;
-          To construct tests of language skills;
-          To identify and construct English language test specifications (blueprint);
-          To identify the procedure of language test construction;
-          To interpret test scores;
-          To evaluate English language tests; and
-          To construct English language test

5.      Teaching Learning Strategy
a.       In the first meeting, the course is given in the form of lecturing and discussing on the plan for this course during the semester, topics, assignment, etc.
b.      In the next meetings, presentation based on a certain topic followed by discussion and assignment
c.       Individual/group presentation is done for one or two students/groups successively or concurrently followed by discussion.
d.      The teaching aids used are printed materials, such as tests of SMP and SMA, and visual media, such as multimedia computer, LCD Projector and internet facilities.
e.       Evaluation is given as mid-semester test and final semester test or assignment on constructing tests based on test specifications, try-out, analysis, and reporting.

6.      References
a.      Main References:
1)      Jabu, Baso. 2008. English Language Testing. Makassar: Badan Penerbit UNM.
2)      Alderson, J. Charles., Caroline Clapham, and Dianne Wall. 1995. Language Test Construction and Evaluation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
3)      Heaton J. B. 1975. Writing English Language Tests. London: Longman.
4)      Henning, Grant. 1987. A Guide to Language Testing: Development, Evaluation, Research. Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers.

b.      Supporting References  (Recommended):
1)      Bachman, L.F. & A.S. Palmer. 1996. Language Testing in Practice. Oxford: OUP.
2)      Bachman, L.F. 1990. Fundamental Consideration in Language Testing. Oxford: OUP.
3)      Bailey, Kathleen M. 1998. Learning about Language Assessment: Dilemmas, Decisions, and Directions. Pacific Grove: Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
4)      Carroll, Brendan J. 1980. Testing Communicative Performance. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
5)      Carroll, Brendan J. and Patrick J. Hall. 1985. Make Your Own Language Test. Oxford: Pergamon Institute of English.
6)      Davies, Alan. 1982. “Criteria for Evaluating Tests of English as a Foreign Language” in Heaton, B. (Ed.) Language Testing. 1982:11-16.
7)      Cohen, Andrew D. 1994. Assessing Language Ability in the Classroom. Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers
8)      Harrison, A. 1983. A Language Testing Handbook. London: Macmillan Publishers.
9)      Hughes, Arthur. 1989. Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge: CUP.

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